Farm Fresh


This is going to be a quickie, because a dear friend will box my ears if a certain pair of gloves isn't in her possession reallyreallysoon.Rhinebeck was all that I'd heard. Stitches was equally fun, and people made it so in both case. I spent most of my time with Carol, Laura, Mindy and Alison, but also met a long list of very cool women (and a few guys!).Not to worry - I still like the yarn. I'm on a breed specific kick this year. Check out the haul above(from left to right): Connie's Creations (sadly, there's no mention of which breed of wool this is...), Greenwood Hill Farm Merino, Morehouse Merino, Foxhill Farm Moorit, Foxhill Farm Cormo, Four Directions Lincoln, Meadowland Farm Border Leicester and some Jacob wool (I'll have to look in my receipts for the name of the farm). With the exception of the merinos, I only purchased single skeins.Oh, and I got a niddy noddy. Pretty, isn't it?Ok, back to work!


13 questions - Pam Allen

