Hadley Colours


I've gotten a few questions about yarn amounts used for Hadley's stranded yoke - many are wondering if they have enough leftover yarn from another project. You may, but please either weigh or measure what you have on hand. I used 12g/37yds of faded quilt, 9g/28yds of hayloft, 10g/31yds of embers and 14g/44yds of birdbook. If you have a little more than that, you ought to be fine.I've also taken a moment to draw a little colour sketch of Hadley, should any of you want to play with colours. As with league, please open this pdf in a vector application in order to select the appropriate layer and recolour it using the eyedropper tool. I've only tested it in illustrator, so please let me know if you've used it successfully in another piece software.Download Hadley Colours.pdfOne last note: you may not be aware that I'm running a little giveaway if you don't follow me in instagram. Check last Friday's post if you'd like to win a copy of the latest field guide  from Mason Dixon Knitting.


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