Kalle Tunic
It can be challenging to find blog inspiration for someone like me. Most visitors to this site would probably like to read about my knitting projects, but anything I design must be kept under wraps until its release as a pattern. I could (and should) write a post while the design is still fresh in my mind, but usually don't.I can write about sewing projects, however. If you visit this blog only for the knitting content, I do promise to do better in the future and keep notes.In the meantime, here is my latest project: the Kalle Shirt + Shirtdress from Closet Case Patterns. I made View B, the tunic length version. Modifications were few and more representative of my personal preferences. I skipped making a muslin, given how loose fitting the garment is, but did modify the pattern for my bust (this dress form is used for work and the measurements do not match mine). The 5/8" seam allowances were trimmed everywhere except for the front side seams: most construction edges were trimmed to 3/8", while others were trimmed to 1/4". Doing so achieves a few things: fewer seams need to be trimmed and a flat fell seam along the side seams is easily sewn without a specialized foot. I also moved the shoulder seam 1" towards the front. Personal preference again.Writing this, I realize that I also changed the front placket. Instead of cutting a second piece and sewing it on, it was folded in such a way as to encase the seam allowance. This preserves the pattern along the center front, saves fabric and reduces bulk. I think David Coffin and/or Pat Erny wrote about it, but I can't find the reference right now.The fabric is from Ikea. It was a 3m (about 3.25 yards) panel from a temporary collection. I check the fabric dept. whenever we finds ourselves at Ikea and found this piece for about $10. It doesn't have any repeats, but I tried to preserve the flow somewhat. Does it remind you of a Rorschach test?
The hemline was sewn as per Heather's instructions using bias tape. but didn't work for my fabric. Being very sheer, the transitions from black to white were very evident and unattractive. Rather than try taking it apart, I just lopped it off and applied the bias binding to the right side. I'm not particularly happy with the execution, but I don't think it's bad enough to warrant cutting it off again. I should also add that more was cut off from the back than the front.