Vancouver Olympics

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choices choicesI know, I know - two blog posts in two days?!? What is the world coming to?When I think of Olympics and knitting, I immediately think of colour work. And since I happen to have yarn especially well suited to this technique *and* since the Olympics are taking place in Canada, it seems only logical that I would participate in some way. I can't think of a better project for the occasion than a pair of mittens and you can trust me that these will be a challenge to complete with my current schedule.First, I need to select two colours. Being Canadian, red is an obvious choice. But what about the contrast colour? White (bottom) is crisp and faithful to our flag, but champagne (right) softer and has a vintage feel, while oatmeal (left) takes it further to an antique look. However, silver (top) could also work - especially if the design ends up being more graphic.(February 10th update - The poll is closed! Here are the results:Champagne -44.6% (74 votes)Oatmeal - 34.3% (57 votes)Silver - 15.1% (25 votes)White - 6% (10 votes)total votes: 166)Once my calculations are complete, I'll be uploading a blank mitten chart here which may be used as a starting point for further mitten designs. I'll announce it both here and on twitter once it's ready.



